For almost 2 years Matko Perović who is a mechanical engineer and Marinka Kutle who is a biologist, both have been organizing their speed dating event in Zagreb. They had the idea for many years before and when they googled it, they found a website dedicated for speed dating in Zagreb but it wasn’t active and by contacting the owner they were able to buy the website and begin their activity.

When they started, speed dating wasn’t well known in Croatia in general but by time they are getting more requests and now the event is held two or three times per month. It is still not very much accepted by the majority of the people as they consider it an unusual way to get to know new people or to find the right one. Many people refuse to be pictured on a date and the refusal is even more when it’s a speed date. “People worry about others judging them” says Matko.
If you are not familiar with speed dating, it is a meet up of a number of women and a number of men. Usually the woman sits to a table with an empty chair waiting for a man to join in. When the first man arrives they have a quick conversation for not more than 5 minutes. After 5 minutes the bell rings and the man has to move to another chair, another table and another woman. Each participant has a number, if you are interested in any of the people you met on the speed date you go home and put their number on the website, if they are also interested and entered your number as well, only then you receive their contact information and you can begin from there.

Organizing such an event has its challenges such as people who book and not show up or when the number of men is more than the number of women, while in perfect situations it should be equal.
Some successful stories began with the speed date and one of them of a couple who are getting married next May.
Of course most of the participants in the event are Croatians but there is a possibility that they speak English, and the event welcomes expats as well so you may give it a try.
The ticket price is 55 kn if you book online and increases if you pay on the spot.
Check the website here