This is a unique chance to have a peek at our winter diaries. You know that we have one or two expats English speaking meetups every month. It is always a surprise and always something different but mainly focusing on discovering the artistic and cultural face of Zagreb.
It is Christmas time and you always wonder about the traditional food of that time of the year. Our Croatian host this time was very enthusiastic and she offered us a unique expiernce.
We travelled back in time, a short journey to the past. We went back 60 – 70 years. And found ourselves in an old Croatian dining room, the furniture, the smell, the feeling, it is all there.
We met and had an early unique Christmas celebration, delicious cake and homemade drinks by our special host. Each member joined us on that evening had -Delicious međimurska gibanica cake made of apple, cheese, walnuts, poppy seeds -Home made warm drink made of lemon, honey and ginger -Home made brandy (plum, almond, herbal) Attendance was limited to five .We had the pleasurable company of Sunita and Frankie from UK, Laura and Sara Kirby from USA and Irma Shenzi from Croatia.
It is cold but not as cold as the previous year, snow is only falling on the mountain of Sljeme.
Love is a warm topic to discuss and love surfing or searching for love online is even more of a hot topic.
Theresa Kahlil from Egypt shared her experience with online dating which is the topic of her coming book, she also screened her documentary “Love surfing” which was shot in Belgium. The evening was hosted by the Indian cultural centre.
The discussion was interesting and continued among the attendees even after the event had officially come to an end.
Probably after this evening many got inspired and created their profiles on a dating site.
More about Theresa Khalil
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