Why visit Venice when you can in 30 min from Zagreb celebrate the mask carnival in Samobor – (Samoborski fašnik).
The festival is usually held in February, this year from 29.1. till 9.2. 2016
By simply taking the public bus for about 30 kn you will find yourself in Samobor. Everyone is taking it very seriously from age 1 to age 100. They are all dressed in the most creative outfits. The cheerful spirit is in the air and everyone is active, happy and friendly. Once you put your mask on, you become part of this big family and it becomes easy to connect. Samobor turns to a hometown even for visitors.
We first head to the funfair that is held specially for the carnival, then on the way to the main square we were welcomed by a long passage of stands selling all kind of goodies. We had our share of the colourful doughnuts, kremšnita (cremeschnitte) which is Samobor speciality and of course we didn’t miss buying a mask.

The main stage was hosting many bands, competitions and shows in addition to other shows in different parts of the city.

Hiking up our way to the castle, we were able to enjoy the sun – luckily – and the scenery from this high unique spot.

The day ended in the most recommended pizza restaurant Kuća Pizze Kod Tomice. The Pizza was thin, freshly baked and covered with a variety of delicious vegetables and mushrooms.

You should not miss the masks parade which takes place on the last day of the carnival. And if you missed the carnival this year, we hope our photos and videos will make you experience this special event in the comfort of your home.
For more photos head to our facebook page